Another Parole Date Granted!

Nicholas L. came before the Idaho Parole Commission with a violation after only 6 weeks from release. He had failed probation or parole twice before. I worked with Nicholas and his family to develop a sold plan for treatment and housing. I worked with Nicholas before the hearing to help him communicate effectively with the[…]

Clients get their gun rights restored

McKenzie Law Offices helped two clients to get their gun rights restored in January. Ron S. previously applied on his own, and the Parole Commission rejected his application. Mckenzie Law Offices helped him get the necessary court records and police reports and then refile a successful gun rights application. Cody R. attended his hearing remotely[…]

What is a Rule 35 Motion?

You may have heard people talking about a “Rule 35” and wondered, “what is a Rule 35?” and, “Should I apply for a Rule 35?” This article gives a brief explanation of Rule 35 and when it may apply to your case. Rule 35 refers to Idaho Criminal Rule 35, which controls a Motion for[…]

Restoring Your Gun Rights

If you’ve lost your gun rights due to a felony conviction, please contact McKenzie Law Offices so we can start the process of Restoring Your Gun Rights. During the initial free consultation, we’ll review your case and determine if you qualify under Idaho Code to apply for restoration of your gun rights. That will depend[…]

Client Review…

Another quote from a happy client: “McKenzie Law Office was very professional in the handling of my case.  I believe they represented me to the best of their ability, as I believe I received the best possible outcome I could have received.” -Nathan M.

What is a DUI ALS Suspension in Idaho?

In Idaho, if you are arrested for DUI–driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances–and fail an evidentiary test by having an alcohol concentration over the legal limit, the arresting officer will serve you with a “Notice of Suspension.”  This notice is an Idaho Transportation Department imposed Administrative License Suspension (ALS suspension), issued in accordance[…]

What is a Rider?

A retained jurisdiction or “Rider” lets the court retain jurisdiction over an offender.  Under Idaho Code 19-2601(4), a judge can suspend the execution of the judgment for up to a year or, if the prisoner is a juvenile, until the juvenile reaches twenty-one years of age. During the period of retained jurisdiction, IDOC determines the placement[…]

Parole date despite recent DORs

Last week we represented a client coming before the Idaho Commission of Pardons and Parole for the first time.  He had many DORs (disciplinary write-ups) when he first entered IDOC, but our major concern was two recent DOR’s just months before his hearing.  Based on our experience, we had a good idea of what questions[…]

McKenzie Law Offices earns $900,000 judgment

In a federal civil rights lawsuit, McKenzie Law Offices obtained a $900,000 judgment on behalf of its client.  The case involved a police officer who used his position as a school resource officer to groom and then molest a teenager.  The court awarded $225,000 in compensatory damages and $675,000 in punitive damages.

McKenzie Law Offices in the news

Canyon County Prosecutors dismissed aggravated battery charges after McKenzie Law Offices argued that it was too late in the process to amend to new charges.  Instead, the prosecutors dismissed the case entirely and refiled as mayhem charges.

Getting Gun Rights Back After a Felony

A sentence of custody to the Idaho state board of correction suspends the civil rights of the person, including the right to ship, transport, possess or receive a firearm. Upon final discharge (completion of imprisonment, probation or parole), a person convicted of any Idaho felony shall be restored the full rights of citizenship, except that a person[…]

Parole Client Given Date

On September 16, parole client Alik T. was granted probation immediately upon completion of his fixed term.  Alik had a long indeterminate sentence (20+ years indeterminate) and immigration issues, because he was a refugee from the former U.S.S.R.  We helped him prepare his statements to the parole commission and anticipate their questions.  We also responded to specific[…]

Parole Testimonial (Aug. 10, 2014)

“Just thought I’d drop you a line and say THANK You for helping me out and being at my parole hearing on June 16th…. It is smart to have an attorney at these hearings…  Also your coaching was great … I have told other offenders to get lawyers for their parole hearings … ” Charles[…]

The high cost of the “war on drugs”

According to the National Research’s Council’s 464 page report, reported on by the Washington Post, April 30, 2014, (link  here), the cost of the “war on drugs” in the United States — for families, communities, state budgets and society — has simply not been worth the benefit in deterrence and crime reduction.